How to Get Involved?

How can existing Health Action members and partners get involved in Health Action Together?

There are several ways to contribute to this work, which will lead to determining who is part of the Health Action Together decision-making table:

  • Participate in developing the Agenda for Action in response to the Portrait of Sonoma County 2021 Update and commit to sharing accountability in activating the new Agenda for Action, which will shape the initial focus of HA Together. Stipends will be available to support community members participating in this process. For more details about this, contact us

  • Champion the work of Health Action Together in your organization! Talk with your organization’s leadership or workgroup about the importance of community members, organizations, and institutions working together by centering the people most impacted by inequities in our work, learning from & supporting each other, aligning and integrating efforts when possible to advance equity and achieve wellness and happiness for every member in our community.

Participate in one of the workgroups:

  1. Fund Development and Sustainability Funding

  2. Agenda for Action

  3. Long-term governance structure

  4. Communications

Contact Health Action Together leadership at and add your email or contact information to our listserv to stay informed or let us know how you want to be involved!

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